Thursday, November 25, 2010

This wind is crazy today....Throw in some ice pellets for fun.

Today's marine weather says this is a 35 knot southeast wind.  A big red banner across the top of the page saying Gale Warning in Effect.  That means there is a 70 km/h wind out there right now.  When I took these pictures at our shore just minutes ago it was enough to give me an ice cream headache walking into the wind. 
Then tomorrow this wind is going to increase to 40 knot winds from the southeast.  80km/h winds.  With snow squalls and could get 10-15cm of the white stuff tomorrow.  (Possible first snow day for the boys) 
I guess no fishing for the next couple of days....
These conditions are being very unreasonable.
Andrew is off to Dufferin Market today.  Hopefully the snow stays clear until he makes it home tonight.  He has some fresh with him.  But we have another weekend off. 
We have 5 cords of wood to stack before to much snow falls.  When the wood gets covered in snow it really is no fun.  Happened a couple of years ago and the wood was frozen together and we spent most the time just trying to loosen the logs. 
I am going to work on updating the blog today.  Normally I don't have so much time to adjust and move things around on the blog but it may help to pass the time on this miserable, cold, blustery day. 

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