Friday, November 8, 2013

Wind... Why so much wind????

Another week has gone by and unable to get out fishing.  We almost did yesterday but glad we didn't for the water looks nasty again this morning.  Sigh...
Things are becoming more interesting as the weeks, not days, that go by without fishing.  But we keep trying to be hopeful and opening the marine forecast page and there it is without fail.  Strong Wind Warning.  Not that we need to be told that for we can either hear the water and watch the trees sway. 
This is what we saw this morning for the marine forecast.  Keep in mind, 15 knots is hard and on the edge of should not be out fishing. 

Today Tonight and Saturday
Strong wind warning in effect. Wind northwest 25 knots diminishing to west 15 this afternoon and to west 10 this evening. Wind increasing to southwest 15 late overnight and to south 25 early Saturday morning. Wind veering to southwest 25 near noon Saturday then to west 25 Saturday evening.


Issued 10:30 AM EST 08 November 2013
Today Tonight and SaturdayWaves one and one half metres subsiding to one early this evening then building to 2 Saturday morning.

Extended Forecast

Issued 03:00 AM EST 08 November 2013
Sunday Wind west 30 knots increasing to west 35 in the morning then diminishing to northwest 30 in the afternoon.
Monday Wind southwest 30 knots veering to northwest 30 late in the day.
Tuesday Wind northwest 25 knots.
I like how it sounds so promising to get out later today but when you read further down for tomorrow's wind... 
So, we wait again...  We will be back as soon as we possibly can.  
Maybe after Tuesday it will be beautiful weather.  Winds light for a few days.  I can always hope.  
Well to update you on the chicken coup.  It is almost done.  Just a place for them to roost and a platform so they go down the plank from the window to their yard.  Fencing is sort of up.  It is tacked in place but needs a bit more work securing it.  The fence will be roughly 9 foot tall so that it keeps any flying predators hopefully out of the pen.  Funny trying to protect chickens in our area.  The predators are so plentiful and so creative it is hard to out think them.  We have to think about bears, fishers, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, wild dogs, eagles and hawks.  Don't think I forgot any but I may have.  Each of these have different talents to get to their food.  This is what has been keeping us occupied.  Building the nesting boxes, chicken wire everything and coming up with creative ways of securing them and keeping them safe at the same time. The chickens haven't arrived yet so we are working away on it without feathers flying all over the place. 
Anyways...  We will be back soon.  Just waiting on Mother Nature to do her thing for a bit longer and maybe the rest of November will be just stunningly beautiful. 

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