Thursday, March 29, 2012

No markets for this week....

I can't complain for the weather (wind) has allowed us to do a number of markets back to back from each other for a few weeks now.  This week it has decided to blow a bit and be a bit unsettled.  Thunderstorm earlier this week, thought I saw snow this morning and and east wind for tomorrow.  An east wind is never good for us for it hits our shore dead on.  Snow is just depressing after all the beautiful weather we have been having. 
But it has given us a chance to continue with our spring chores.  Raking, tuning up vehicles and boat, organizing the house and begin to putting away the winter gear and skis.  Planted some plants too.   I wonder why we make a "to do list" for it will never be done? 
We went to Jamie Kennedy's Open Kitchen on Monday evening.  It was a lot of fun and the food was wonderful.  I will share a link of video that was done of Jamie Kennedy and Scott Vivian buying fish from Andrew a week ago from Dufferin Market. 
Pretty quiet around here other than that.  Miingan did his first overnight trip with the school this week and he had a blast.  Nodin and his team made it to the Regionals for Basketball and Chris is doing a huge exam today in Literacy.  Busy, busy but nothing to crazy.  Bought the boys a frisbee earlier this week and they are just eager to get out there and give it toss.  Haven't had one of those things in a few years.  Thought they out grew it but I guess you never really out grow it but you just become not as quick on the catching of it. 

1 comment:

Niltinho Ferreira said...

Appreciate yyour blog post