Friday, April 15, 2011

Darn East Wind

Don't like seeing those white things out there

Wind is cold enough it is turning the spray into ice

Pretty day

Well this east wind has made sure we don't go anywhere for a few days.  The red banner across the top of the page for southern Georgian Bay marine weather has returned in saying, "Gale Warning In Effect."  I read it over quickly and what jumped out at me was the waves they perdict.  Waves 1 metre or less building to 2 Saturday morning and to 3 Saturday afternoon.  Now 3 metre waves might be something to see but not be out in.  Now those are the waves, if you are caught in it, all you can see is water and then you go the top of the wave and see land for a second.  Then very quickly, with no seatbelt or seat, you slide or fall down the back side of the wave just to repeat it over and over.  Then when you do make it back to shore you just want to kiss it.  These perdictions go to Tuesday and even Tuesday is going to blow east 15 knots increasing to south 25 late in the day.  I guess we are on shore again for a few days.  (sigh)
Starting to feel anxious.  Before it use to be stress but it is very quickly going past that point.  I know once we are fishing regularly again and when we do a few markets we all will be able to breathe again.  But right now it looks like it won't happen soon enough.  
Andrew slipped out late yesterday to rescue his gear that he had set out the other day.  He had a heck of a time to get those nets for the wind was nasty and the nets were full of algae.  His hands are all blistered up and raw but at least his nets are on shore even if they are a mess.  If he had not been able to rescue the gear yesterday, after todays wind we would just have rags out there. 
I guess there is not much else to do except wait.  If I haven't learnt anything else this winter I have learnt how to be patient and accepting. 

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